What Is the Best Time to Run?

When is the best time to run is probably one of the most requested questions get by readers, customers, and runners. Well, to be honest, I have no real answer to this question since it depends on so many factors. It is actually very difficult to pinpoint an exact answer when it comes to running. Whether it is in the mornings mid-morning or even late at night, almost every runner has some ideas or has an opinion on the best time of day for them to log their mileage.

Varies with a person’s age, gender, habits

In general, studies show that the best time for running varies with a person’s age, gender, psychological state, as well as their biological clock. Some experts believe that the internal clocks, or circadian rhythms, are more difficult to adjust than external environmental cues such as light and exercise. Researchers also believe that these rhythms affect people differently depending on their mood, stress levels, or other factors. Also, you should think about a healthy level of exercise for you. Therefore, when considering when is the best time for running, you should consider all these factors.

Running at night

Studies have shown that most people, whether they train regularly or not, sleep better at night than during the day. It is likely that a person who sleeps better at night usually has a better performance during the day than those who sleep late. Also, according to research, the best time to train for long runs, especially at night, is 2 hours before bedtime. So if you want to improve your endurance and boost your energy level for your runs, make sure to get a good night’s sleep.

Running in the morning

Most athletes agree that morning exercise is a great way to improve alertness and performance during the day. For this reason, many athletes choose to exercise early in the mornings. But, as is true for all exercise, the best time for morning runs is still unknown. It might be a great way to sleep in on the weekend or to avoid having to wake up early in the evening.

If you enjoy long-distance running, it may be best to start your runs in the mornings. This allows you to gain the most benefit from the time you spend running. If you enjoy sprinting during the day, you could do a short burst of sprints in the mornings. When you are sleeping, you will not be as tired as when you are running.

Running in the afternoon

Many athletes believe that it is best to exercise late in the afternoon. The physiological effects of exercising late in the afternoon are believed to be similar to those of exercising during the early morning hours. This is because the body is more relaxed and can better absorb physical exertion. Other researchers believe that the body metabolizes nutrients at a greater rate late in the afternoon than early in the day.

Some experts think that it might be best to try running in the afternoon. If you are trying to lose weight, running in the afternoon could be an excellent way to start. If you have already run, you may find that you enjoy running in the evening. For this reason, if you find that you enjoy running at a particular time in the evening, it may be helpful to increase your runs by ten minutes each day for a month. This will allow you to see if you have any adverse reactions to running at that time of the day.


As with any form of exercise, it is important to consult with a doctor before you begin any new fitness program. When it comes to when is the best time to run, the answer is “it depends.” You should consult your doctor if you have health problems, or if you are taking certain medications. He or she will be able to help you decide when is the best time to run for your lifestyle and goals. Also, keep in mind that if you do lose weight while you are running, you may find that it is not a permanent weight loss solution.