How Much Should You Exercise to Lose Weight?

If you have an interest in how to exercise to lose weight, then chances are good that your quest has driven you towards a rather embarrassing question. How much do you need to exercise? This is actually the wrong question. While you might be curious about this question, you should not be asking it out loud in public. Doing so could earn you some unkind stares and glares from people who do not care what you think.

Depend on your individual circumstances

There is no way that you are going to find the answer to how much you should exercise questions in a doctor’s office or a forum for dieters to air out their grievances. The amount of exercise you should do will depend on your individual circumstances. After all, if one person loses weight quickly and easily, then that person’s exercise routine is obviously going to be different from another person whose journey to fitness has been more of a struggle. In fact, the two people could be on completely opposite ends of the spectrum – one who feels very comfortable with their exercise regime and knows that they do not need to change anything and the other who dreads the exercises that they are doing because they are tired, frustrated, or stressed out. In such cases, it would be impossible for a doctor to give any advice.

Conduct an informal survey

The thing that you can do to find out the answer to the question, how much exercise should you do to lose weight, is to conduct an informal survey of your friends and family. Ask them how much they exercise and what their goals are in terms of their exercise lifestyle. Also, consult a personal trainer, since they are the professionals who can help you most. Get similar answers from each person as you will from the doctor. Then use these answers to determine how intense your exercise regimen should be.

As you set out to find out how much exercise is appropriate for you to lose weight, you should not discount the benefits that regular exercise provides. Exercise helps improve your overall health, increases your stamina, and reduces your risk for many kinds of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and osteoporosis. It also improves your mood and general well-being. You should see the obvious benefits of exercising to lose weight.

Set some short-term goals

Of course, you should not feel compelled to set any goals beyond just figuring out how many miles you can walk in a given day or how many sit-ups and push-ups you can do. Your ultimate goals should be realistic. If you are committed to working out for a half-hour each day, then you can probably count on about two to three hours of exercise each week.

When you decide how much exercise is appropriate for you to lose weight, then you should set some short-term goals to help get you started. Some people find it helpful to write down their goals for the week on a sheet of paper and to add a chart to their refrigerator to track their progress toward their goals. If you like to work out alone, it is important that you make your own chart and label it accordingly. You might also try designing your own chart online if you have the time. Many people find that creating personalized charts makes them feel more in control.

Of course, you cannot expect to set goals in your exercise plan if you are not motivated to succeed. Try setting smaller goals along the way so that you do not become overwhelmed. Always remember that your ultimate success depends on your own effort. Use your imagination, do not give up and you will see the results you desire.

Join a local group

Of course, no exercise plan is complete without making some social changes. Join a local group that promotes healthy living or sign up for an exercise club. If you like sports, consider joining a tennis or golf league. If you are a student, check out your school’s health program to find out what gym memberships are available. Joining a group of friends will also be a great way to spread the word about your new exercise regimen.